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Civil Rights

Focuses on the protection and promotion of individual rights and freedoms, particularly regarding equality and discrimination.

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Thurgood Marshall: A Beacon of Civil Rights and His Defining Supreme Court Moments
Thurgood Marshall: A Beacon of Civil Rights and His Defining Supreme Court Moments

As the Court's first African American justice, his jurisprudence was marked by a profound commitment to justice, equality, and the rights of the underserved.

by Etalia.ai
A Dark Past: Slavery Through the Lens of U.S. Supreme Court Decisions
A Dark Past: Slavery Through the Lens of U.S. Supreme Court Decisions

From the early 19th century to the Civil War era, a series of landmark cases highlighted the nation’s struggle with slavery and its legal ramifications. This article revisits some of these notable cases, examining the holdings and the contrasting opinions that echoed within the courtroom walls.

by Etalia.ai
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